A Suitable Selection of Photometric Reference Stars
Landolt (1992, 2009, 2013)
Most of standard star fields are close to equatorial horizon. Therefore they are not every time available for observers in higher Northern hemisphere.
Landolt et. al created a catalog of stars with known photo-metric parameters around 45 degree altitude.
Subsequent selection of stars between 9.5 - 13.5 magnitudes and FOV of appr. 30x20 arc min should be suitable for the majority of amateur astronomers and their telescopes.
Totally you will find 132 standard stars in 21 FOVs.
Overview of perpared FOV´s from Landolt fields
Each FOV covers size of appr. 30 x 20 arc
There are 21 star fields (FOVs) with 132 standard star (spectral classes A-F-G-K-M) and
magnitudes between 9.5 - 13.5.
The declination is around 45 degrees, which is very suitable for astronomers in Northern sky hemisphere.