Blazhko Effect
- period modulation 10 - 500 d
- amplitude modulation 0,1 > 0,7 mag
- frequancey ~40 - 50% of RRab stars
~ 2 - 40% of RRc stars
Root Causes (hypothesis)
- non linear higher oscillation
- stellar magnetic field rotation
- variable turbulent convection
- tide effect of a comparision star
- resonance between radial and nonradial modes
- non linear higher oscillation
- stellar magnetic field rotation
- variable turbulent convection
- tide effect of a comparision star
- resonance between radial and nonradial modes
What people thinks to know
- Fourer analysis shows 2-4 peaks, near pulsation frequency
- Stars with Blazhko effect changes their period more often
- Blazhko effect can disappear for a certain time
- Probability of detection of depends on BP